Arthritis Center for Diagnostic & Therapeutic Innovation
The Metabolomics Core Facility, liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) is the platform of choice for conducting Metabolomics studies. Our LC-HRMS equipment - a Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Flex Binary UHPLC system utilized in combination with a Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Plus Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap™ mass spectrometer (MS) - is dedicated to the evaluation and elucidation of metabolites from biological cells, tissues and fluids. This Metabolomics platform provides high accuracy, precision and reproducibility via the high-throughput capabilities of the robust and reliable UHPLC system that can perform superior separation of metabolites originating from complex biological sources. In addition, the MS boasts technology for optimal precursor ion selection, molecular fragmentation, and is equipped with an Orbitrap™ mass analyzer with a resolution of up to 140,000, making it the ideal instrumentation for the identification and analysis of known and/or unknown small molecules.

As an emerging field in systems biology and a new branch in the field of "omics", metabolomics – which is the study of all the small molecules (<1500 Da) within a system – is gaining much interest in the scientific community, particularly in clinical research. Due to the close and near-instantaneous relationship of the metabolome with a biological state (healthy vs. disease), metabolites generally present as rapid indicators of perturbances within a dynamic biological system. As such, metabolomics can be used as a tool in clinical research for determining disease pathology, thereby helping to pave an alternative path towards improved engineering of treatments of various diseases.
the Metabolomics workflow
To apply metabolomics to your research, whether hypothesis- (targeted) or non-hypothesis- (untargeted/discovery) driven, the steps of the metabolomics workflow are as outlined below. Since metabolomics studies start with the biological question, please email it to
Nikita Looby to get started!
A general price list that is associated with sample preparation and the use of the LC-HRMS system can be found below. A more accurate quote that is specific to your research needs can be generated by filling out the Request for Quotation.
This core facility is directed by Dr. Vinod Chandran and Dr. Mohit Kapoor.